This is a demo version of ACLS Sim 2012. To unlock all 12 casesdownload the full version here.'Anesoft ACLS Sim 2012' is the third of a series of apps from Anesoft Corporation to improve your resuscitation skills. This app enables you to rehearse megacode management - anytime, anywhere. With regular practice you will always be ready to run a full cardiac resuscitation.
You must evaluate the patient and electrocardiogram rhythm, decide on the appropriate management, and guide two assistants through the resuscitation. The assistants are skilled, but will only do what you tell them to do. You must serve as the team leader for the resuscitation efforts.
The 12 case scenarios included with this app were written by Howard Schwid, MD. The first three cover ventricular fibrillation, the next two are for pulseless ventricular tachycardia, another covers asystole, and the remainder of the cases cover the tachycardia algorithm. The Lite version includes case 1 only.ACLS SIM 2012,这是一个演示版本。要解锁所有12例的在这里下载完整版。
“星际Anesoft ACLS 2012'是第三次了一系列应用程序从Anesoft公司提高你的心肺复苏技能。此应用程序使您可以随时随地排练megacode管理 - 。与常规的做法,你将永远是准备运行一个完整的心脏复苏。
12的情况与此应用程序包括书面由霍华德Schwid MD。前三盖室颤,未来两年无脉性室性心动过速,另一个涵盖心脏停搏和,其余案件涵盖心动过速算法。精简版的版本包括案例1只。